Gdańsk, Poland

Self-Defence/Martial Arts Instructor

Instruktor samoobrony/sportów walki

Language: PolishStudies in Polish
Kind of studies: full-time studies
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Marcus Valerius Martialis (known in English as Martial ) (March, between 38 and 41 AD – between 102 and 104 AD) was a Roman poet from Hispania (modern Spain) best known for his twelve books of Epigrams, published in Rome between AD 86 and 103, during the reigns of the emperors Domitian, Nerva and Trajan. In these short, witty poems he cheerfully satirises city life and the scandalous activities of his acquaintances, and romanticises his provincial upbringing. He wrote a total of 1,561 epigrams, of which 1,235 are in elegiac couplets.
Nobis pereunt et imputantur.
They [the hours] pass by, and are put to our account.
Quisquis ubique habitat, Maxime, nusquam habitat.
A man who lives everywhere lives nowhere.
Divisum sic breve fiet opus.
Divided the work will thus become brief.


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80-336 Gdansk
International Recruitment Office
+48 58 55 47 233; +48 511 176 938
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