Lublin, Poland



Language: PolishStudies in Polish
Kind of studies: full-time studies
  • Description:

  • pl
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Publishing is the dissemination of literature, music, or information—the activity of making information available to the general public. In some cases, authors may be their own publishers, meaning originators and developers of content also provide media to deliver and display the content for the same. Also, the word publisher can refer to the individual who leads a publishing company or an imprint or to a person who owns/heads a magazine.
It is an axiom in the publishing business, however, that pseudoscience will always sell more books than the real science that debunks it.
Robert L. Park, Voodoo Science (2000), p. 177
But I account the use that a man should seek of the publishing of his own writings before his death, to be but an untimely anticipation of that which is proper to follow a man, and not to go along with him.
Francis Bacon, An Advertisement Touching a Holy War, Epistle Dedicatory.
Publish or perish.
A phrase used to describe the pressure in academia to rapidly and continuously publish academic work.


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