Wrocław, Poland

Entrepreneurship and the European Labour Market

Przedsiębiorczość i europejski rynek pracy

Field of studies: European Studies
Language: PolishStudies in Polish
Subject area: social
Kind of studies: full-time studies
  • Description:

  • pl
University website: uni.wroc.pl/en/
Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a small business. The people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs
European, or Europeans, may refer to:
Labour or Labor may refer to the physiological process leading to childbirth. It may also refer to:
Market (economics)
The code-speak phrase "limit the influence of market forces" really means to arrange things OTHERWISE by leaving everything to free-market equilibration. A simple illustration is where a state wishes simply to defend its existence. This may call for various concepts of national self-sufficiency so that, for example, Japan may choose not to become entirely an importer of rice!
John Forbes Nash, on question "In what sphere of life, if any, do you think it most important to limit the influence of market forces?", in "Nobel Laureates Offer Views on the Economy", Wall Street Journal (Sept. 3, 2004)
The market, over time, is its own worst enemy. Indeed, the valiant and ultimately successful efforts of New Dealers to set American capitalism back on its feet were most vigorously opposed by many of their eventual beneficiaries. But although market failure may be catastrophic, market success is just as politically dangerous. The task of the state is not just to pick up the pieces when an under-regulated economy bursts. It is also to contain the effects of immoderate gains. After all, many Western industrial countries were doing extraordinarily well in the era of Edwardian social reform: in the aggregate, they were growing fast and wealth was multiplying. But the proceeds were ill-distributed and it was this more than anything which led to calls for reform and regulation.
Tony Judt, Ill Fares the Land (2010), Ch. 6 : The Shape of Things to Come
Original research in mathematics and science.
Clive W. J. Granger, on question "In what sphere of life, if any, do you think it most important to limit the influence of market forces?", in "Nobel Laureates Offer Views on the Economy", Wall Street Journal (Sept. 3, 2004)


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