Gdańsk, Poland

Event and Business Tourism Manager (Dual Education – Hotel Almond)

Menedżer eventów i turystyki biznesowej (kształcenie dualne – Hotel Almond)

Table of contents

Event and Business Tourism Manager (Dual Education – Hotel Almond) at Uniwersytet WSB Merito Gdańsk

Field of studies: Tourism and Recreation
Language: PolishStudies in Polish
Subject area: physical education, tourism, services
Kind of studies: full-time studies, part-time studies
dual studies dual studies
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Definitions and quotes

Business is the activity of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and selling goods or services. Simply put, it is "any activity or enterprise entered into for profit. It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors." The term is also often used colloquially (but not by lawyers or public officials) to refer to a company, but this article will not deal with that sense of the word.
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy.
Tourism is travel for pleasure or business; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating tours. Tourism may be international, or within the traveller's country. The World Tourism Organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go "beyond the common perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only", as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes".
China is one of those vast, continental conglomerates that... I mean, if they were to start a tourist trade in China, they'd just bus people in from another province, you know what I mean? They're very self-contained.
Damon Albarn in: Scott Plagenhoef Interviews Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett, Pitchfork,,26 January 2009
For rigorous teachers seized my youth,
And purged its faith, and trimm’d its fire,
Show’d me the high white star of Truth,
There bade me gaze, and there aspire.
Matthew Arnold, Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse (1855), st. 12
An artisan busies himself with his work for three hours each day and spends nine hours in study.
Maimonides, Treatise 3: “The Study of the Torah,” Chapter 1, Section 12, H. Russell, trans. (1983), p. 52


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