Sopot, Poland

ArchiCAD Level 1 – BIM Basics for Interior Designers

ArchiCAD poziom 1 – podstawy BIM dla architektów wnętrz

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Subject area: engineering and engineering trades
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When Jesus talks about the poor he simply means personalities, just as when he talks about the rich he simply means people who have not developed their personalities. Jesus moved in a community that allowed the accumulation of private property just as ours does, and the gospel that he preached was not that in such a community it is an advantage for a man to live on scanty, unwholesome food, to wear ragged, unwholesome clothes, to sleep in horrid, unwholesome dwellings, and a disadvantage for a man to live under healthy, pleasant, and decent conditions. Such a view would have been wrong. ... What Jesus meant, was this. He said to man, ‘You have a wonderful personality. Develop it. Be yourself. Don’t imagine that your perfection lies in accumulating or possessing external things. Your perfection is inside of you. If only you could realise that, you would not want to be rich. Ordinary riches can be stolen from a man. Real riches cannot. In the treasury-house of your soul, there are infinitely precious things, that may not be taken from you. And so, try to so shape your life that external things will not harm you. And try also to get rid of personal property. It involves sordid preoccupation, endless industry, continual wrong. Personal property hinders Individualism at every step.’
Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man Under Socialism, ¶ 22
Princes have but their titles for their glories;
An outward honour for an inward toil.
Shakespeare, Brakenbury in Richard III, Act 1, Scene 4
Oh dear Pan and all the other Gods of this place, grant that I may be beautiful inside.
Plato, Socrates’ prayer in Phaedrus, 279


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