Warsaw, Poland

Dietary Supplements, Nutricosmetics, and Eco-friendly Cosmetics

Suplementy diety, nutrikosmetyki i kosmetyki ekologiczne

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Subject area: physical science, environment
University website: wumed.edu.pl
Cosmetics are substances or products used to enhance or alter the appearance of the face or fragrance and texture of the body. Many cosmetics are designed for use of applying to the face, hair, and body. They are generally mixtures of chemical compounds; some being derived from natural sources (such as coconut oil), and some being synthetics or artificial. Common cosmetics include lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, foundation, skin cleansers and body lotions, shampoo and conditioner, hairstyling products (gel, hair spray, etc.), perfume and cologne. Cosmetics applied to the face to enhance its appearance are often called make-up or makeup.


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