Wrocław, Poland

Foreign Exchange Market and Its Instruments

Rynek walutowy i jego instrumenty

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
University website: uew.pl/en
Market (economics)
I believe that one ought to have only as much market efficiency as one needs, because everything that we value in human life is within the realm of inefficiency — love, family, attachment, community, culture, old habits, comfortable old shoes.
Edward Luttwak, cited in Corey Robin, "The Ex-Cons: Right-Wing Thinkers Go Left!", Lingua Franca 11,1 (Feb. 2001), pp.24-33,32.
If by free market one means a market that is autonomous and spontaneous, free from political controls, then there is no such thing as a free market at all. It is simply a myth.
Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, in Multitude, p. 167
Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.
Milton Friedman, Capitalism & Freedom (1962)
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