Wrocław, Poland

E-commerce Manager Competence Academy with AI Elements

Akademia kompetencji menedżera e-commerce z elementami AI

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Subject area: economy and administration
University website: www.dsw.edu.pl/english
An academy (Attic Greek: Ἀκαδήμεια; Koine Greek Ἀκαδημία) is an institution of secondary education, higher learning, research, or honorary membership. The term academia refers to the worldwide human group composed of professors and researchers at institutes of higher learning.
E-commerce is the activity of buying or selling of products on online services or over the internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.
the net effect of increasing scale, centralization of capital, vertical integration and diversification within the corporate form of enterprise has been to replace the 'invisible hand' of the market by the 'visible hand' of the managers.
David Harvey (2006) The Limits To Capital. p. 146
Managers are to information as alcoholics are to booze. They consume enormous amounts, constantly crave more, but have great difficulty in digesting their existing intake.
Robert Heller (1975) "Research in light of a dark tunnel" Audit AGB research. London, Spring 1973
The increase of this efficiency is essentially the problem of the manager, and the amount to which it can be increased by proper study is, in most cases, so great as to be almost incredible.
Henry Gantt (1910) Work, Wages, and Profits: Their Influence on the Cost of Living. p. 14


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