Gdańsk, Poland

Postgraduate Studies in Voice Emission and Hygiene

Studia podyplomowe emisji i higieny głosu

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Hygiene is a set of practices performed to preserve health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases." Personal hygiene refers to maintaining the body's cleanliness.
A Locanian having plucked all the feathers off from a nightingale and seeing what a little body it had, "surely," quoth he, "thou art all voice and nothing else." (Vox et præterea nihil).
Plutarch, Laconic Apothegms. Credited to Lacon Incert, XIII, by Lipsius.
The Angel ended, and in Adam's ear
So charming left his voice, that he awhile
Thought him still speaking, still stood fix'd to hear.
John Milton, Paradise Lost (1667; 1674), Book VIII, line 1.
Her voice was ever soft,
Gentle and low, an excellent thing in woman.
William Shakespeare, King Lear (1608), Act V, scene 3, line 272.


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