Warsaw, Poland

Social Teaching of the Catholic Church

Nauczanie Społeczne Kościoła Katolickiego

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Subject area: teacher training and education science
University website: uksw.edu.pl/en
Living organisms including humans are social when they live collectively in interacting populations, whether they are aware of it, and whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
The Churches as Churches have always been and cannot fail to be institutions not only alien to, but directly hostile towards, Christ's teaching.
Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You (1894)
Where Christ erecteth his church, the divell in the same church-yarde will have his chappell.
George Bancroft, Anti-Puritan Sermon (Feb. 9, 1588). Martin Luther, Von den Conciliis und Kirchen, Werke, 23. 378. (Ed. 1826). Melbancke, Philotimus. Sig. E. 1. Charles Aleyn, Historie of that Wise and Fortunate Prince Henrie (1638), p. 136. Dr. John Dove, The Conversion of Salomon. Attributed to Erasmus by Franz Horn, Die Poesie und Beredsamkeit der Deutschen, Book I, p. 35. (1822). William Roe, Christian Liberty (1662), p. 2.
Sed non solum locum Ecclesiae zelare debemus, sed hanc quoque interiorem in nobis domum Dei; ne sit domus negotiationis, aut spelunca latronum.
But it is not only of the space in the Church which we ought to be jealous, but also of the interiors of the house of God in us, so that it might not become a house of merchandise, or a den of robbers.
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