Warsaw, Poland

Typhloeducation with Vision Rehabilitation, Spatial Orientation, and Technological Support

Tyflopedagogika z rehabilitacją wzroku, orientacją przestrzenną i wsparciem technologicznym

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
University website: uksw.edu.pl/en
For sight is woman-like and shuns the old.
(Ah! he can see enough, when years are told,
Who backwards looks).
Victor Hugo, Eviradnus, IX.
For any man with half an eye,
What stands before him may espy;
But optics sharp it needs I ween,
To see what is not to be seen.
John Trumbull, McFingal (1775-1782), Canto I, line 67.
Not so many years ago this was a mistake that brain scientists actually made: they succumbed all too often to the temptation to treat vision as if it were television — as if it were simply a matter of getting "the picture" from the eyes to the screen somewhere in the middle where it could be handsomely reproduced so that the phenomena of appreciation and analysis could then get underway. Today we realize that the analysis — the whatever you want to call it that composes, in the end, all the visual understanding — begins right away, on the retina; if you postpone consideration of it, you misdescribe how vision works.
Daniel C. Dennett, "Facing Backwards on the Problem of Consciousness" Journal of Consciousness Studies, 3 (1), 1996, pp. 4-6.
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