Opole, Poland

Diversity and Inclusion – Managing Organisational Diversity

Diveristy and Inclusion - zarządzanie różnorodnością w organizacji

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Studies online Studies online
University website: www.merito.pl/english/opole
Leisure for reflection, somewhere near the end of a long career, leads me to thank God for allowing me to live in a society sufficiently free of Governmental control to allow the citizenry expression of its true diversity, which is to say, diversity of thought.
David Mamet, A Secret Knowledge, p. 16
In the Mahabharata, the ceremony for the oath of a new king includes the admonition: 'Be like a garland-maker, O king, and not like a charcoal burner.' The garland symbolizes social coherence; it is a metaphor for dharmic diversity in which flowers of many colors and forms are strung harmoniously for the most pleasing effect. In contrast, the charcoal burner is a metaphor for the brute-force reduction of diversity into homogeneity, where diverse living substances are transformed into uniformly lifeless ashes.
Indras Net by Rajiv Malhotra, p.10., 1st ed.
If you look incessantly for variety, sooner or later you will discover that you need more wisdom.
Fausto Cercignani in: Brian Morris, Simply Transcribed. Quotations from Writings by Fausto Cercignani, 2014, quote 51


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