Bydgoszcz, Poland

Sensory Integration for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Specialist Studies for SI Graduates)

Integracja sensoryczna dla dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu (studia specjalistyczne dla absolwentów SI)

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Subject area: social
University website:
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by troubles with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents usually notice signs in the first two or three years of their child's life. These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace and then worsen.
Autism Spectrum
Autism spectrum, also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a range of conditions classified as neurodevelopmental disorders. Individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder present with two types of symptoms: problems in social communication and social interaction, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities. Symptoms are typically recognized between one and two years of age. Long term issues may include difficulties in creating and keeping relationships, maintaining a job, and performing daily tasks.
A spectrum (plural spectra or spectrums) is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary, without steps, across a continuum. The word was first used scientifically in optics to describe the rainbow of colors in visible light after passing through a prism. As scientific understanding of light advanced, it came to apply to the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
The effort to cure autism, [autism right advocates] say, is not like curing cancer, but like the efforts of a previous age to cure left-handedness.
Amy Harmon, "How About Not 'Curing' Us, Some Autistics Are Pleading," The New York Times, December 20, 2004
The first duty towards children is to make them happy. If you have not made them so, you have wronged them. No other good they may get can make up for that.
Charles Buxton, Notes of Thought (1883). London: John Murray, p. 147.
Does anyone believe that the difference between the Lebesgue and Riemann integrals can have physical significance, and that whether say, an airplane would or would not fly could depend on this difference? If such were claimed, I should not care to fly in that plane.
Richard Hammin in: Sy M. Blinder Guide to Essential Math: A Review for Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Students, Newnes, 14 February 2013, p. 16.
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