Gdańsk, Poland

Teacher Preparation Including Vocational Subject Teaching

Przygotowanie pedagogiczne z przygotowaniem do prowadzenia przedmiotów zawodowych

Language: Polish Studies in Polish
Subject area: teacher training and education science
University website:
A teacher (also called a school teacher or, in some contexts, an educator) is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.
All ideology hails or interpellates concrete individuals as concrete subjects, by the functioning of the category of the subject. ... ideology ‘acts’ or ‘functions’ in such a way that it ‘recruits’ subjects among the individuals (it recruits them all), or ‘transforms’ the individuals into subjects (it transforms them all) by that very precise operation which I have called interpellation or hailing, and which can be imagined along the lines of the most commonplace everyday police (or other) hailing: ‘Hey, you there!’
Louis Althusser, "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses," in
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