Cracow, Poland

Faculty of Energy and Fuels
Wydział Energetyki i Paliw
Subject area: engineering and engineering trades
- Description:

The Faculty of Energy and Fuels is now at a turning point: it develops very rapidly and in line with an increasing demand for energy and fuels, which are essential for the economic growth of any society. The Faculty was established in 1991 as the Faculty of Coal Energochemistry and Physical Chemistry of Sorbents. At that time, the research and education of the Faculty concentrated on energochemical coal processing, and the development of sorbent technologies. Gradually, the Faculty extended its educational and research offer with an emphasis on fuels and energy of the highest quality, conditions of sustainable energy development, implementation of renewable energy sources, and environmental protection in chemical and power industries. Consequently, in 1995, the Faculty's name was changed into the Faculty of Fuels and Energy. Although the Faculty educated its students in chemical technology, many elements of energy and power engineering were also introduced into the programme of studies. Therefore, students who graduated from the Faculty could apply for a job in the chemical, power engineering, metallurgical, gas, heat, and environmental protection industries, as well as in local and governmental administration. In 2003, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education registered a new discipline of studies energy. At AGH UST, the education in this discipline was entrusted to the Interfaculty School of Power Engineering. In 2008, the Senate of the University decided to integrate the Faculty of Fuels and Energy and the Interfaculty School of Power Engineering in order to form a large and significant faculty whose aim was to combine education and research on fuel technology and power engineering. Since 2008, the Faculty of Energy and Fuels has developed significantly its scientific research infrastructure and human resources base.
In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed. The SI unit of energy is the joule, which is the energy transferred to an object by the work of moving it a distance of 1 metre against a force of 1 newton.
Our decision about energy will test the character of the American people and the ability of the President and the Congress to govern this Nation. This difficult effort will be the "moral equivalent of war," except that we will be uniting our efforts to build and not to destroy.
Jimmy Carter, address to the nation on the energy problem (April 18, 1977); Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Jimmy Carter, 1977, book 1, p. 656. Carter was quoting William James, who used the phrase in his essay, "The Moral Equivalent of War".
You will soon be able to tax it.
Michael Faraday to William Gladstone on the future use of electricity
E = mc²
Albert Einstein, The equivalence of matter and energy was originally expressed by the equation m = L/c², which easily translates into the far more well known E = mc² in Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content? published in the Annalen der Physik (27 September 1905) : "If a body gives off the energy L in the form of radiation, its mass diminishes by L/c²."