Cracow, Poland

Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals
Wydział Metali Nieżelaznych
- Description:

The Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals was established in 1962. It is a research and educational unit which is unique on the world scale. It educates future engineers and conducts research for the industries of metallurgy, materials science, processing of non-ferrous metals, physical metallurgy, as well as related branches. Since the early days of the Faculty, it has maintained very close collaboration with industry. The development strategy of the Faculty is mainly based on two fundamental notions: educating students and carrying out research, both leading to staff development. Our educational offer for students encompasses the latest technologies in the field of the production and processing of metals, alloys, and composites, as well as the methods of testing and designing their structures and properties by means of modern analytical and experimental instrumentation. Graduates of the Faculty know how to make use of the special features of metals, such as durability, hardness, plasticity, electrical and thermal conductivity, superconductivity, magnetic properties, shape memory, and many others.
The Faculty prepares its graduates to work not only in the metallurgical and processing plants of the industry of non-ferrous metals. The knowledge gained by graduates also allows them to find jobs in the metal, machine-building, automotive, aircraft and ship-building industries, in the production of cables and materials for power industry, in the industries of electrical engineering, telecommunications and medicine, precious metals production, the Polish Mint, and in other plants dealing with plastic working and heat treatment, property testing, and quality control. Collaboration with industry has been performed within a large spectrum of subjects - from the problems of obtaining metals out of concentrates to the production of new alloys and products designed for different purposes. It encompasses all plants of non-ferrous metals (metallurgical and processing), as well as a large number of enterprises operating in the mechanical, chemical, oil, power engineering, iron and steel sectors, and many others. Our Faculty has been a co-founder and active participant of projects conducted by various research and scientific consortia.