Gdańsk, Poland

Social Economic Higher School in Gdansk

Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Ekonomiczna w Gdańsku

University type: economics
Status: non-public


ul. Rajska 6
80-850 Gdańsk
phone (48 58) 500-52-06

full-time studies
part-time studies
ManagementStudies in Polish
PedagogyStudies in Polish

full-time studies
part-time studies
PedagogyStudies in Polish

Postgraduate diplomasmore »
Art Institution Management Studies in Polish
Care and Educational Pedagogy Studies in Polish
Career Counselling Studies in Polish
Computer Science Studies in Polish
Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (Oligophrenopedagogy) Studies in Polish
Family Life Education Studies in Polish
Pedagogical Therapy Studies in Polish
Pre-School and Early School Pedagogy Studies in Polish
Resocialization Pedagogy Studies in Polish
Sales Management Studies in Polish
Security Education Studies in Polish
State Management Studies in Polish
Biologia w szkole Studies in Polish
Chemia w szkole Studies in Polish
Edukacja biblioteczna i informacja naukowa Studies in Polish
Edukacja i rehabilitacja osób niesłyszących i niedosłyszących (Surdopedagogika) Studies in Polish
Edukacja i rehabilitacja osób niewidomych i niedowidzących (Tyflopedagogika) Studies in Polish
Edukacja i rewalidacja osób z autyzmem i z zespołem Aspergera Studies in Polish
Edukacja techniczna w szkole Studies in Polish
Fizyka w szkole Studies in Polish
Geografia w szkole Studies in Polish
Grafika komputerowa i multimedia w przywództwie i zarządzaniu Studies in Polish
Historia w szkole Studies in Polish
Integracja sensoryczna Studies in Polish
Język polski w szkole Studies in Polish
Kompleksowe zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy Studies in Polish
Kreowanie wizerunku organizacji w mediach (praca rzecznika prasowego) Studies in Polish
Logopedia dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Matematyka w szkole Studies in Polish
Muzyka w szkole Studies in Polish
Organizacja i zarządzanie oświatą Studies in Polish
Pedagogika Marii Montessori Studies in Polish
Pedagogika sportu Studies in Polish
Plastyka z wiedzą o kulturze Studies in Polish
Podstawy przedsiębiorczości w szkole Studies in Polish
Pozyskiwanie i zarządzanie funduszami unijnymi Studies in Polish
Przygotowanie pedagogiczne Studies in Polish
Przyroda w szkole Studies in Polish
Wczesne nauczanie języka angielskiego Studies in Polish
Wczesne nauczanie języka włoskiego Studies in Polish
Wiedza o społeczeństwie w szkole Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie logistyczne i obsługa celna obrotu towarowego (studia nadają kwalifikacje do wykonywania zawodu agenta celnego) Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie organizacjami pozarządowymi Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie projektami rewitalizacyjnymi Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie strategią rolniczą (studia nadają kwalifikacje do prowadzenia działalności rolniczej) Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie w samorządzie terytorialnym Studies in Polish
Social Economic Higher School in Gdańsk is a private higher school established under a decision of the Minister of Education on 31st January 2001, put under registration No.53 in the Ministry of Education register.

Our assets:

-new specialties on teaching service market. Professionals of the fields are in growing demand on labour market. These new specialities enable them to gain practical, theoretical knowledge and skills which are particularly expected by employers in different areas of production and service;
-carefully chosen, experienced staff of professors, professionals and also representatives of economic entities.

Our graduate is:

-one of highly qualified representatives of new professions;
-the one who can count on success on labour market;
-a person of shaped creativity.

A daily study lasts 6 semesters, but extramural study lasts 7 semesters. Graduates get a diploma of higher education and Bachelor's degree.
Social Economic Higher School in Gdańsk enables students to develop diverse interests. It cooperates with many companies, local council and non-profit making institutions in the range of students' apprenticeships and promotion of the best students in order to gain an attractive job.
Social Economic Higher School in Gdańsk provides education on vocational level in the fields:

Pedagogy with specialties:
-Animation of culture;
-Social Work;

Management and Marketing with specialties:
-Transport and shipping;
-Management of work security and work hygiene.

Social Economic Higher School in Gdańsk offers scholarships and preferential financial conditions for handicapped people.

Postgraduates studies

These studies are aimed at graduates, who have got Bachelor's or Master's degree and want to develop their own professional qualifications.

They can chose following specialties:
-Educationalist Postgraduate Studies;
-Early Development Aid Postgraduate Studies;
-Adult Science Postgraduate Studies;
-Librarianship and Scientific Information Postgraduate Studies;
-Orientation and Educational - Vocational Counselling Postgraduate Studies;
-Socio-therapy Postgraduate Studies;
-Pedagogical Therapy Postgraduate Studies;
-Organization of Social Aid and Family Aid Postgraduate Studies;
-Safety and Human Protection in Labour Environment Postgraduate Studies;
-Pedagogical Preparation Postgraduate Studies;
-Corrective - Compensatory Exercise Postgraduate Studies;
-Health Promotion Postgraduate Studies;

The above mentioned studies are carried out in extramural mode, in the form of two-day conventions (twice a month, on Saturdays and Sundays).

The Centre for Postsecondary Education

The Centre of Social Economic Higher School in Gdańsk is a private post secondary school, established under a decision of the President of the City of Gdańsk on 30 September 2005 and put under registration No. 157/ST/05 in the Register of Private Schools in the City of Gdańsk.

Education in the Centre:
-assures learners full intellectual development and dependable professional preparation;
-enables them to gain indispensable knowledge and skills in order to obtain professional degree;
-prepares school leavers to run business in different areas of economy.

Schooling in the Centre is free of charge and aimed at learners with a secondary school certificate. Teaching classes are held on a daily and extramural basis. School leavers with secondary school leaving certificate can continue study in chosen field in Social Economic Higher School in Gdańsk
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