Legnica, Poland

The University of Medical Sciences in Legnica

Wyższa Szkoła Medyczna w Legnicy

University type: medical
Status: non-public


ul. Powstańców Śląskich 3
59-220 Legnica
tel. 76 854 99 33

full-time studies
part-time studies
NursingStudies in Polish

Postgraduate diplomasmore »
Education Management Studies in Polish
Empathetic Communication for Cooperation in Relationships, Family, Work, and Business Based on Marshall B. Rosenberg’s Methodology – Nonviolent Communication Studies in Polish
GDPR in Healthcare Studies in Polish
Geriatrics and Senior Care Studies in Polish
Healthcare Management Studies in Polish
Law in Medicine and Bioethics Studies in Polish
Medical Assistant Studies in Polish
Rehabilitation Management Specialist Studies in Polish
Suicidology Studies in Polish
Three-Semester OSH Management Studies in Polish
Two-Semester OSH Management Studies in Polish

The History of the institution goes back 2003 when we made our first efforts and commenced preparations to create Legnica University of Medical Sciences.

The compilation of a full documentation needed to establish the institution proved very time consuming. The first step on this path was made on 8 January 2004 by the Minister of National Education and Sport, who had taken a decision allowing to create the University of Medical Sciences in Legnica.

The registering procedure ended 15 July 2004 when the Ministry of National Education and Sport officially admitted the University to the Register of Vocational Non-State Schools. On that day, also the charter of the new educational instituation was approved and the school appeared in the offical registers and on the website of the Ministry as an independent registered education entity accredited by the state.

The last step needed to initiate the program of studies was acceptance from the National Accreditation Council for Medical Education (October 14 2004). The Council passed a resolution on granting accreditation to the faculty of nursing care at Legnica University of Medical Sciences.

The first faculty of the school started operating on 22 October 2004.


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