Rzeszów, Poland

University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow

Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie

University type: economics
Status: non-public

Doctoral School (disciplines)more »
Economics and Finance Studies in Polish
Medical Science Studies in Polish
Nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach Studies in Polish

MBAmore »
MBA in Healthcare Studies in Polish
MBA – Master of Business Administration Studies in Polish

Postgraduate diplomasmore »
Accounting Studies in Polish
Animal Behavior Studies Studies in Polish
Business Analyst for IT Systems Studies in Polish
Business Analytics for Managers Studies in Polish
Computer Graphics Studies in Polish
Cybersecurity Management Studies in Polish
Health Safety Studies in Polish
Healthcare Management Studies in Polish
HR and Payroll Studies in Polish
Human Resources Management Studies in Polish
Interior Architecture and Design Studies in Polish
Internet Marketing Studies in Polish
IT Project Management Studies in Polish
Lean Management Studies in Polish
Logistics Manager Studies in Polish
Medical Assistant Studies in Polish
Project Management Studies in Polish
Psychodietetics Studies in Polish
Public Administration with Elements of E-Administration Studies in Polish
Social Media Marketing Studies in Polish
Software Engineering Studies in Polish
Software Tester Studies in Polish
Transport and Spedition Studies in Polish
BHP – Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy Studies in Polish
Big Data – technologie analizy danych Studies in Polish
Coaching i NLP Studies in Polish
Cyberbezpieczeństwo systemów informatycznych Studies in Polish
Doradca podatkowy Studies in Polish
Finanse, rachunkowość zarządcza i controlling Studies in Polish
Handel zagraniczny i negocjacje Studies in Polish
Makijaż permanantny Studies in Polish
Mediacje i negocjacje z elementami psychologii Studies in Polish
Menedżer e-commerce Studies in Polish
Menedżer ekonomii społecznej Studies in Polish
Menedżer ESG Studies in Polish
Menedżer transformacji cyfrowej Studies in Polish
Monitorowanie i koordynacja badań klinicznych Studies in Polish
Podyplomowe studia menedżerskie Studies in Polish
Systemy i sieci komputerowe Studies in Polish
Szacowanie nieruchomości Studies in Polish
User Experience Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie energią Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie i dowodzenie w strukturach bezpieczeństwa państwa Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie jakością procesów produkcyjnych Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie jakością w branży automotive Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie ochroną informacji niejawnych i danych osobowych Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie oświatą – menedżer oświaty Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie sprzedażą i marketingiem Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie w lotnictwie Studies in Polish
Zintegrowane systemy zarządzania SAP S/4HANA Studies in Polish

Welcome to the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow!

From the beginning, the University of Information Technology and Management's philosophy has been to provide quality educational programs geared to serve those seeking a solid foundation in knowledge and skills to be competitive in the job market and to obtain successful employment involving the application of space-age information technologies.

Both faculty members: lecturers and research fellows as well as seconded staff put much effort into sustaining high, international teaching and research standards. The constant analysis of market demands together with highly flexible organizational structure of the University allow us to evaluate and update our teaching and research profile not only to provide students with up-to-date, reliable and quality knowledge but also to strengthen our responsiveness to market requirements and opportunities.

A diverse and attractive teaching and research program, the application of the most advanced information technologies, intensive foreign language courses, all supported by the modern infrastructure make the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow the place where there is a wealth of talent among the faculty and students. Bearing in mind the expanding process of globalization and Poland's accession to the European Union, all our initiatives aim at preparing students for performing social functions in a responsible and competent way in Poland, in other markets in Europe and around the world.

President of UITM
Professor Tadeusz Pomianek
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