Wrocław, Poland

The Wroclaw College of Humanities

Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna we Wrocławiu

University type: other universities
Status: non-public


53-608 Wrocław
ul. Robotnicza 70B
tel. +48 71 78 338 28

full-time studies
part-time studies
Interior DesignStudies in Polish

Postgraduate diplomasmore »
Computer Graphics in Interior Architecture Studies in Polish
Exhibition Design and Scenography Studies in Polish
Interior Design Studies in Polish
Styling & Art Studies in Polish

The Wrocław College of Humanities was founded in 2002 by “Wapol” Enterprises (Zachodnie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości “Wapol”) and is enrolled in the register of the Ministry of National Education and Sport under the number: 113/2002 and, therefore, has legal status. The main foci of „Wapol” is organizing courses, trainings and seminars for firms, institutions, people willing to enhance their qualifications , as well as for unemployed. It offers a High School for people willing to pass matriculation examinations, gaining secondary level education, which enables enrolling for university, or college. For those who are seeking new career possibilities, “Wapol” offers attractive annual and biennial schools which programs are adjusted to the demanding job market.

The Wrocław College of Humanities is the first non-state university of Lower Silesia which enables studies in the filed of humanities, mechanics, economics and medicine.

The College educates future architects, geodesists, economists, physiotherapists. Graduates of The Wrocław College of Humanities are prepared to take up work in government institutes and offices, as well as financial, trade, and service institutions. Our main aim is to develop creativity and assertiveness, which will facilitate handling with further life challenges and also lay out new goals, both in future professional and private life.

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