Szczecin, Poland

Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin

Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie

University type: medical
University status: public

Doctoral School (disciplines)more »
Health Sciences Studies in Polish
Medical Science Studies in Polish
Pharmaceutical Science Studies in Polish

MBAmore »
MBA in Healthcare Studies in Polish

Short pg coursesmore »
Health Psychology Studies in Polish
Medical Law Studies in Polish
Podiatry Studies in Polish
Bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy w sektorze offshore - NOWOŚĆ Studies in Polish
BHP w podmiotach leczniczych Studies in Polish
Dietetyka sportowa z treningiem personalnym Studies in Polish
Fizjoterapia oddechowa Studies in Polish
Medycyna regeneracyjna i przeciwstarzeniowa twarzy Studies in Polish
Socjoterapia Studies in Polish
Wczesne wspomaganie rozwoju Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie w systemie ochrony zdrowia Studies in Polish

Other short coursesmore »
Kursy dla pielęgniarek i położnych Studies in Polish
Kursy dla pielęgniarek i położnych organizowane z funduszy zewnętrznych Studies in Polish
Kursy specjalizacyjne dla lekarzy i lekarzy dentystów Studies in Polish

Faculties, schools of studymore »
Faculty of Health Sciences
Wydział Farmacji, Biotechnologii Medycznej i Medycyny Laboratoryjnej
Wydział Medycyny i Stomatologii

Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin is a public (State-owned) university with full-time, intramural system of study. The level of qualification held: master's degree program; diploma of higher education; long cycle programme.

There are two faculties at the University which offer studies in English:

  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin offers studies in English language since 1996 on the Faculty of Medicine and on the Faculty of Dentistry since 2006. At present, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin has over 600 students of English Program at both Faculties. Over 250 students has already successfully graduated from their respective Faculties. Each year the University offers 100 seats at the Faculty of Medicine and 30 seats at the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

University's Main Library University has permanent (free for students) access to the Internet databases such as: MEDLINE, SCOPUS, Science Direct, Wiley on-line Library, UpToDate; ERIC, Science Direct; Cochrane Collection; ProQuest Science and Technology; ProQuest Medical Library; EndNote Web; EBSCO; McGraw-Hill; MedTube; etc. Furthermore, the University cooperates with many other medical schools, hospitals and clinics in Europe. Student with good grades may enter the ERASMUS program and study abroad for one or two semesters. PMU has signed the agreements with the Universities in Germany, France, Italy and Spain.

Students find that Szczecin is a lively city with the wide range of social, cultural and recreational facilities available in the region. By studying in Szczecin one gets the additional benefit of learning about a new culture. Naturally, medical studies take up much of the students' everyday life, but Szczecin can provide a broad spectrum of activities to do in your spare time. Activities range from golf, football and sport gyms to bowling, pool and pub crawling. The city has a wide cultural life with its own philharmonic orchestra, opera, art galleries, clubs etc. From time to time the weather can be grim and one can get nostalgic or a bit sad and it is only natural to want to hide under the blanket with a good book or movie, students of PUM get into the habit of searching for a superior place to meet friends, relax or just sip of cup of hot coffee. Szczecin has plenty of such places. Given the fact that English Program students are from various corners of the world, studies at PMU offer not only an excellent training for future doctors or dentists, but also a fantastic opportunity to live and work in a diverse environment where one can learn new language, understand another culture or even observe different scientific approaches and techniques.

About PMU

Pomeranian Medical University was founded in 1948. Viewed from its historical perspective, when compared with the multi-centennial tradition of other universities, a period of 60 years is short indeed. However, the Pomeranian Medical University due to its continuous development is well recognised both in Poland and in the world.

At present, the Pomeranian Medical University educates 4064 students of medicine, dentistry and nursing. Among them there are 494 students of English Program of both faculties: Medicine and Medicine & Dentistry.

Since long the Pomeranian Medical University has been maintaining scientific ties with renowned European universities. The contacts have resulted in the exchange of junior scientists, teaching staff, as well as in numerous publications in reputable journals.

The European Credit Transfer System, which provides a simple way of measuring and comparing study programs and learning achievements, has been implemented at the University.

The strongest point of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin is the staff, scientists, teachers and physicians, who are well-educated and strongly motivated. All those factors contribute in a promising future for the University as well as our students.



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