Łomża, Poland

University of Lomza

Akademia Łomżyńska

University type: school of higher vocational education
Status: public

MBAmore »
Master of Business Administration Studies in Polish

Postgraduate diplomasmore »
Finance and Accounting Studies in Polish
Mediations and Negotiations Studies in Polish
Real Estate Valuation Studies in Polish
Road Transport Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi - kadry i płace Studies in Polish

Faculties, schools of studymore »
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Wydział Nauk Informatyczno-Technologicznych

The School is situated at  14 Akademicka Street at the south edge of the town, near the main road to Warsaw. The distance to the bus station is about 2 km and to the center of the town - 3 km.

We are a multidisciplinary leading institution providing higher education and research services in the region. The State Higher School of Computer Science and Business Administration in Łomża (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Przedsiębiorczości w Łomży) is financially maintained by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

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