Szczytno, Poland

Police Academy in Szczytno

Akademia Policji w Szczytnie

University type: other educational institutions
Status: public


ul. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego 111,
12-100 Szczytno
Telefon: 47 733 59 00

Doctoral School (disciplines)more »
Safety Science Studies in Polish

Postgraduate diplomasmore »
Combating Cybercrime Studies in Polish
Crisis Management Studies in Polish
Cybersecurity Studies in Polish
Logistics Studies in Polish
Organisational Unit Management in Public Administration Studies in Polish
Public Document Security Studies in Polish
Security Education Studies in Polish

Faculties, schools of studymore »
Faculty of Security and Legal Sciences
The history of the Higher Police School dates back to 1954. It was then that the School for Civic Militia Offi cers was founded. It trained militia officers for the needs of all militia units in the country. ImageIn 1972 the School was renamed to the Higher Militia School which functioned until 1989, playing a crucial role in the contemporary system of militia education. In 1990 the School changed its name into the Higher Police School, retaining its leading role in the system of police education. In 2004 the School celebrated its 50th anniversary. The Higher Police School is the only school of this type in Poland with long lasting experience in training police executives and highly qualifi ed independent experts - commissioned officers. It is the main police educational and scientific facility in the area related to public order and safety.
Teaching tasks     
The School students acquire knowledge and skills in law sciences (e.g. criminal law, civil law, economy law, criminology, constitutional law), humanities and social sciences (e.g. psychology, sociology, foreign language, professional ethics) and police sciences (such as tactics of prevention,Image tactics of fighting crime, road safety). They are also trained in police tactics, restraint techniques, target shooting, the use of means of communication and police computer systems. The Higher Police School organizes many successful scientific conferences, seminars, symposia and training workshops. They all act as a forum for exchanging ideas, experience and knowledge between the police and other agencies (such as local government bodies responsible for the improvement of public safety, and institutions of higher education from Poland and abroad). The ImageSchool is a prestigious and famous centre of police research. Since 1999 it has been involved in over 170 research projects. Some of them have been conducted in cooperation with foreign scientifi c centers in Germany, Great Britain, the USA, France, Hungary and Holland. The projects are concerned with preventive activities, new models of police education, road traffi c safety and quality management. The School has been involved in projects implemented under EU assistance programmes (PHARE, AGIS, DAFNE, Leonardo da Vinci). Their scope of interest is integration of the European Union, including police cooperation, common security policy of the UE member states, tightening of borders and organized crime-related issues. The School is also engaged in research activity which is largely supported by funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
In 2004 the Higher Police School in Szczytno confirmed the highest quality of its work and was granted ISO quality certificate - CERTYFIKAT PN-EN ISO 9001:2001 No. 218/2004. As part of the project on 'Enhancement of police management potential', there has been established a team tasked with carrying out self-assessment against the INK management model.
Teaching facilities     
The Higher Police School has got its own library with a unique book collection (over 190,000 volumes) and 191 titles of subscribed magazines, including 22 foreign ones focused on police sciences. ImageThanks to its publishing and printing houses, the Higher Police School annually publishes
up to several dozen books. Published are both course books and textbooks for students and titles for a wide circle of readers. Moreover, the school publishes two quarterlies - Przegląd Policyjny (The Police Review) and Policja (The Police).
ImageThe school facilities are situated in the protected area of 33.2 ha, among which there are the following: teaching, administrative and utility facilities, student hostels, a hotel for visitors, canteen, conference centre with a cinema hall and exhibition hall, bookshop, shops and cafés.
ImageThe Higher Police School has got modern sports facilities (sports fi elds, tennis courts, swimming pool and a gym).
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