Zamość, Poland

Zamojska Academy

Akademia Zamojska

University type: school of higher vocational education
Status: public

Postgraduate diplomasmore »
Administration – Civil Registry Studies in Polish
Business English Studies in Polish
Career Counselling Studies in Polish
Crisis Management in the National Security System Studies in Polish
Customs Agent Studies in Polish
Data Science Studies in Polish
Education and Therapy for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Studies in Polish
Health and Safety in the Workplace Environment Studies in Polish
Healthcare Management Studies in Polish
Human Resources Management Studies in Polish
Numerically Controlled Machine Tool Programming Studies in Polish
Public Procurement Law Studies in Polish
Quality Management Studies in Polish
Renewable Energy Sources Studies in Polish
Bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego i diagnostyka samochodowa Studies in Polish
Certyfikacja i audyt energetyczny budynków Studies in Polish
Dietetyka w zdrowym stylu życia Studies in Polish
Doradca rodziny - bezpłatne studia podyplomowe Studies in Polish
Etyka dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Gerontokineza – aktywny senior Studies in Polish
Informatyka (dla nauczycieli) Studies in Polish
Integracja sensoryczna Studies in Polish
Kształcenie zdalne Studies in Polish
Kultura kresów Polski Studies in Polish
Matematyka (dla nauczycieli) Studies in Polish
Nauczanie języka angielskiego na poziomie wczesnoszkolnym Studies in Polish
Nauczanie języka angielskiego za pomocą e-learningu Studies in Polish
Ochrona informacji niejawnych i administracja bezpieczeństwa informacji Studies in Polish
Pośrednictwo pracy Studies in Polish
Praca zdalna Studies in Polish
Przygotowanie pedagogiczne Studies in Polish
Rekonstrukcja wypadków i rzeczoznawstwo samochodowe Studies in Polish
Rzeczoznawstwo samochodowe z elementami diagnostyki pojazdów samochodowych Studies in Polish
Technika z wychowaniem komunikacyjnym Studies in Polish
Technologie programistyczne Studies in Polish
Wczesne wspomaganie rozwoju dziecka i wsparcia rodziny - bezpłatne studia podyplomowe Studies in Polish
Wychowanie fizyczne dla nauczycieli Studies in Polish
Wychowanie komunikacyjne i edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie oświatą – menedżer oświaty Studies in Polish
Zarządzanie projektami europejskimi Studies in Polish
Zarządzenie bezpieczeństwem Studies in Polish

For many years, the city of Zamość has been trying to preserve its long-established academic tradition, which has its roots in the activity of The Zamość Academy in the years 1594-1784. The determination of the people involved in achieving this aim has led to the establishment of Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Zamościu (The State School of Higher Education in Zamość).

The State School of Higher Education in Zamość, which is the only state school of this kind in the region, was established by the Polish government on 7 June 2005, and since 1 October 2009, following the government’s resolution of 29th September 2009, it has carried the name of the Polish Renaissance poet Szymon Szymonowic.

On 1 September 2019 Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Szymona Szymonowica w Zamościu changed its name to Uczelnia Państwowa im. Szymona Szymonowica w Zamościu.

At present, there are five teaching and research departments: Department of Social Sciences, Department of the Humanities, Department of Tourism and Leisure, Department of Economics, Department of Technology and Life Sciences.

The school’s mission is to offer its students high-level education, both in terms of their knowledge and professional skills, with their future careers in mind.

The school’s authorities do their best to ensure high teaching standards by employing academics recognised in Poland and abroad, as well as co-operating with large research centres and companies.

The State School of Higher Education is also a VEC examination centre.

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