Białystok, Poland

The Bialystok School of Economics

Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Białymstoku

University type: economics
University status: non-public


ul. Zwycięstwa 14/3
15-703 Białystok
tel. 85 652 00 24
tel. 85 652 09 97

full-time studies
part-time studies
EconomicsStudies in Polish

Bachelor's - engineer
full-time studies
part-time studies
Applied Computer ScienceStudies in Polish
Occupational Safety and HealthStudies in Polish
Rolnictwo i agrobiznesStudies in Polish

full-time studies
part-time studies
EconomicsStudies in Polish

MBAmore »

Short pg coursesmore »
Bialystok School of Economics, founded in 1996, is a non-public university. It educates students in first, second and postgraduate programmes. Since its inception, the University has received many honors and awards, among them the European Medal of the Business Centre Club for studies in Economics which provides a high standard and European level of education. Economics (field of study) also has a positive assessment of the quality of education, degree programme (curriculum) and the material base received from Polish Accreditation Committee.
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