Gdańsk, Poland

Gdańsk Higher School of Humanities

Gdańska Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna

University type: other universities
Status: non-public


ul. Kopernika 16
80-208 Gdańsk
tel. (058) 728 46 40, (058) 728 46 41

full-time studies
part-time studies
ZarządzanieStudies in
PedagogyStudies in Polish

full-time studies
part-time studies
PedagogyStudies in Polish

Postgraduate diplomasmore »
Career Counselling Studies in Polish
Corrective-Compensatory Gymnastics and Health Promotion Studies in Polish
Cultural Animation with Art Therapy and Occupational Therapy Studies in Polish
Diagnosis, Therapy and Psychological-Pedagogical Support Studies in Polish
Digital Administration Studies in Polish
Early Intervention and Child Development Support Studies in Polish
Economic Law Studies in Polish
Education and Therapy of Preschool and Early School-Aged Children with Autism Studies in Polish
Education Management - Education Manager Studies in Polish
Entrepreneurship and Economics in Practice Studies in Polish
Ethics Studies in Polish
Family Life Education Studies in Polish
General Logopaedics with School Logopaedics Studies in Polish
History and Social Studies Studies in Polish
Human Resources Management Studies in Polish
Internal Security System Management Studies in Polish
Library Science in Education Studies in Polish
Logistics Studies in Polish
Marketing in Sport and E-Sport Studies in Polish
Nature and Biology in Primary and Secondary Schools Studies in Polish
Neuroeconomics Studies in Polish
Neurologopedia (Speech Therapy) Studies in Polish
Occupational Health and Safety Studies in Polish
Oligophrenopedagogy – Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities Studies in Polish
Public Procurement Studies in Polish
Regional Tourism Management Studies in Polish
Sensory Integration Therapy (Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, FAS) Studies in Polish
Special Pedagogy Studies in Polish
Surdopedagogy and Typhlopedagogy Studies in Polish
Teacher Preparation Including Vocational Subject Teaching Studies in Polish
Teaching Art and Technology Studies in Polish
Teaching Chemistry Studies in Polish
Teaching English in Preschool and Early Childhood Education (for English Speakers) Studies in Polish
Teaching English in Preschool and Early Childhood Education (for Non-English Speakers) Studies in Polish
Teaching Geography Studies in Polish
Teaching Mathematics and Physics Studies in Polish
Teaching Music Studies in Polish
The Gdańsk Higher School of Humanities is a non-public (non-state) institute of higher education of academic (university) standing, recognised by the state.

The school, situated in the millennial Gdańsk, was established under a decision of the Minister of National Education and Sports, and has been existing since 1999, being entered in the register of non-state higher education institutes under no. 142.

In 2002 the Gdańsk Higher School of Humanities was granted the rights of an academic higher school and since that time has been entitled to confer the title of Master of Arts upon its graduates.
Over the years of its operation, the Gdańsk Higher School of Humanities has developed into the biggest non-state academic school in the Tricity (the agglomeration composed of the cities of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot, with a total 800 thousand of inhabitants) and the whole region of Pomerania.

The number of our students keeps steadily growing, the fact being the best proof of the quality of our operation. In the last academic year the total number of our students (including those following the weekend study schemes) exceeded 4,500. Over 1,350 fresh students enrolled in the school in the current (2007/2008) academic year, including ones attending the postgraduate studies.

We continue to work under our traditional three-faculty structure, with the faculties of:
 European Studies
 Political Studies
and over 20 specialised lines of study to be chosen from the selection offered by the three units mentioned above.

The school also includes the Department of Postgraduate Studies and Teacher Training, which provides its students with specialist knowledge and helps them develop new qualifications by attending specialized postgraduate studies and diploma courses - there is a choice of over 20 different types of those offered under weekend study schemes lasting 2 or 3 semesters.

Our teaching is run in more than ten facilities in downtown Gdańsk, as well as in the nearby districts of Wrzeszcz and Przymorze. The headquarters of the Gdańsk Higher School of Humanities are located at what is termed as Biskupia Górka (24B Biskupia Street, Gdansk), a picturesque hill overlooking the Old City of Gdańsk, the school’s main building being thus within five minute’s walk from the city centre, the main thoroughfare and the municipal public transport junction, and not much more distant from the city’s railway station.

The school headquarters, being a 200-year old structure that used to house military barracks, have been renovated by the school’s owners at an enormous expense and now include modern lecture- and classrooms supplied with every convenience to satisfy the training needs.

In addition to those, the building also contains:
- the rector’s and chancellor’s offices;
- a well-supplied library;
- a computer laboratory;
- a professional bookstore,
- a small publishing office;
- a student cafeteria.

Free access to the Web is provided to students of the Gdańsk Higher School of Humanities at computer stands available to them to that end in the ground-floor of the main building.
In May 2007 our institute was granted the Erasmus Charter and has been pursuing international co-operation schemes, having signed a number of agreements with foreign higher education institutes.

May we invite you to contact us and get yourselves acquainted with our ever broader offer of the traditional and new lines of study.
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