Wrocław, Poland

General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces

Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki

University type: military
Status: public

full-time studies
part-time studies
LogisticsStudies in Polish
Defence System LogisticsStudies in Polish
Transport Systems in LogisticsStudies in Polish
Logistics – Military StudiesStudies in Polish
Command of SubdivisionsStudies in Polish
ManagementStudies in Polish
Human Capital ManagementStudies in Polish
Management in the Uniformed ServicesStudies in Polish
Management of Logistic SystemsStudies in Polish
National SecurityStudies in Polish
Crisis ManagementStudies in Polish
Public SecurityStudies in Polish

Bachelor's - engineer
full-time studies
part-time studies
Computer ScienceStudies in Polish
CybersecurityStudies in Polish
IT Systems and NetworksStudies in Polish
Security EngineeringStudies in Polish
Security in Transportation and Logistics SystemsStudies in Polish
Technical Security EngineeringStudies in Polish

Integrated Master's degree
full-time studies
part-time studies
Command – Military StudiesStudies in Polish
Command of SubdivisionsStudies in Polish
Computer Science – Military StudiesStudies in Polish
Operation of Information SystemsStudies in Polish
Safety Engineering – Military StudiesStudies in Polish
Defense Against Weapons of Mass DestructionStudies in Polish
Military EngineeringStudies in Polish

full-time studies
part-time studies
ManagementStudies in Polish
Human Resources ManagementStudies in Polish
IT Systems ManagementStudies in Polish
Logistics ManagementStudies in Polish
Management – Military StudiesStudies in Polish
Command of SubdivisionsStudies in Polish
National SecurityStudies in Polish
Crisis ManagementStudies in Polish
Public SecurityStudies in Polish
Security EngineeringStudies in Polish
Technical Security Systems and Technical RescueStudies in Polish

Postgraduate diplomasmore »
Crisis Management in the National Security System Studies in Polish
Security Education for teachers Studies in Polish

Faculties, schools of studymore »
Faculty of Management
Faculty of Security Studies
Institute of Command
Institute of Leadership
Military Centre for Medical Education

General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces, hereinafter referred to as the University, is a public institution of higher education supervised by the Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Science and Higher Education. It is building on the glorious traditions of the Polish Army, the achievements of military education, and the heritage of generations fighting for the sovereignty and independence of their Homeland, and is also developing new military and technical concepts. The University is one of the military universities which train highly qualified commanders for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland.

The challenges faced by the Armed Forces require important changes in terms of the curriculum, and organising the process of educating future officers of the Polish Armed Forces. These changes will lead to a modernised system of educating officer cadets, to make them better prepared for various challenges and able to adapt to the changing social and technological environments. To this end, the University cooperates with non-military institutions operating in security and state defence. It trains highly qualified personnel for non-military institutions, which cooperate with the military system in respect of state security. The University also educates civilian students in the spirit of patriotism.

The current and prospective needs of the state security system serve as the basic guideline for education at the University. Given the dynamic development of civilisation and technologies, research in the fields of new technologies, and their application on the modern battlefield form the essential components of the University’s development. Research is conducted in cooperation with research centres located in Poland and with those headquartered in the Member States of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

As the University has obtained the right to confer the degrees of doktor (PhD) at two faculties, in the fields of social sciences, engineering sciences, management sciences, and safety sciences, and, as a target, environmental engineering, this makes it possible to obtain the rights to confer the academic degree of doktor habilitowany (DSc).

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